This isn’t a full album review: there’s not quite enough on this LP to warrant an all-out track-by-track breakdown, but I actually unexpectedly enjoyed Ryan Beatty’s sophomore album Dreaming of David, released at the end of January, more than I thought I would.
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Homonormo by Arthur Moon
Song of the ... Month?
Arthur Moon, according to Arthur Moon, is queering pop. And boy, can you hear it in Homonormo, this hypnotic, distorted pop song on a San-Junipero-Type beat (in that it’s sunshiney but also, layered, and is set over a techno backdrop).
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Childish Gambino’s fourth studio album is new, fun, distinct, and one of the best things we’ve heard in a long time. Read our review—and more importantly, take a listen.
Yes, the album cover really is just a slightly off white square.
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Our Favorite Music Videos
That’s right, we can talk about more than just the songs themselves. Did you know that we made a movie?
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